Introduction was created to help medical staff complete their work more efficiently by eliminating the work of retyping medication lists and labs. It has since evolved to include tools that aid clinical decision-making by calculating values such as reticulocyte index, FeNa, corrected Ca, and anion gap. Furthermore, it can essentially function as the main page/portal for people working in the hospital, containing organized, direct links to the most utilized websites and forms.

Usage can help streamline most of the computer work done throughout the day:

These task-related usages will be first be addressed, then the general use of the buttons and menu bar at the top of the screen will be discussed.

Updating medication lists

1. Access the online medication record by clicking the picture of the pill in cView or the "Meds Profile" link in PCIMS/PIP2. Alternatively, if you want to generate a plain language medication list, you can also apply the directions below to a dictated or typed medication list in a note.
2. (optional) Click on "Drug name" to alphabetize the medication list.  
3. Click and drag to highlight the entire medication list.
4. Press Ctrl and C to copy the medication list.
5. Go to and paste the list into the blank text field by pressing Ctrl and V.
6. Press one of the "Meds" buttons to convert the medication list to a format of your choosing.

7. Select the entire new medication list by pressing Ctrl and A or clicking and dragging with your mouse.
8. Copy the new medication list by pressing Ctrl and C.
9. Paste the medication list in your signout, note, or other area by pressing Ctrl and V.

Discharging patients can aid discharge/transfer of patients by:

In areas such as the Obs unit, you can use the "Meds (plain language)" function to generate a medication list that can be used for the prescriptions on the discharge form. This will help your patients better understand their discharge medication list. At Santa Monica, rather than manually rewriting all of their discharge medications on the instruction sheet, you can paste the plain language medication list into a Discharge Medications Word document that you print out and attach to their other discharge paperwork. This has the benefit of being legible and saving you time spent on recopying their medications. Refer to the medication instructions above.

In order to find contact information for outpatient providers to CC discharge notes or list follow-up directions, refer to the following resources:

Copying labs

Retyping/copying labs into notes is a tedious, time-consuming, and error-prone process. can help minimize the need to retype most labs. See this page for the complete list of supported labs--more labs than you would expect are supported, including cultures and antibiotic sensitivities.

1. Open up the patient's lab results list. In cView, accessing one of the "Lab Summary" tabs (24H, 72H, or 30 day) is usually best. In PCIMS/PIP2, "All Results" is best.
2. Click and drag to highlight the labs you want to be cleaned up. Take care to not select multiple result for the same lab; otherwise, if you highlight two glucoses, for example, only the first one will be processed.
3. Press Ctrl and C to copy the list.
4. Go to and paste the list into the blank text field by pressing Ctrl and V.
5. Press "Clean Labs" to clean up the list. If you want to process urine labs, including urinalysis and urine lytes, you will need to press "Urine Labs."  

6. Edit the list of labs as you wish for formatting purposes.
7. Select the entire list of labs by pressing Ctrl and A or clicking and dragging with your mouse.
8.Copy the new medication list by pressing Ctrl and C.
9. Paste the list of labs in your note, signout, or other area by pressing Ctrl and V.

Editing notes/H&Ps

Because the cost of transcribing dictations is related to the number of lines in the document, is is difficult to have the transcriptionists format your dictations with lists, even when it would be more readable. In particular, this is a problem with numbered lists, such as those found in Past Medical History and Past Surgical History, as well as sections with categories, such as Review of Systems and Physical Exam. The H&P button will help you reformat your notes/dictations to a more readable format. It performs the following functions:

1. Open up the document you want to process in cView, PCIMS, or PIP2.
2. Click and drag to highlight the area of the document you want to be cleaned up.
3. Press Ctrl and C to copy the text.
4. Go to and paste the text into the blank text field by pressing Ctrl and V.
5. Press "H&P" to clean up the text.

6. Select new text by pressing Ctrl and A or clicking and dragging with your mouse.
7. Copy the text by pressing Ctrl and C.
8. Paste the text back in to the note editing field by pressing Ctrl and V.

Accessing medical records, resources, and forms gives you one-click access to almost every website or system that you would need to get work done. In addition, it provides one-click access to most of the commonly-used forms without the need to tediously log in to Forms Portal. See the Menu Bar section for more details.

The Menu Bar

The Menu Bar was created to provide fast, organized access to almost every website, system, or document needed. Lists will appear automatically when the mouse pointer hovers over them; there is no need to click until you wish to open up a page or form. Most of the tabs are, however, configured to link to a page if they are clicked. This list summarizes the organization and functionality by category:


Links to & the backup site at:

Utilities: the most important sites needed for medical records, signout, and discharge.

cView, PCIMS, PIP2, CDS, Signout, and online discharge forms.

Med links

Amion, Mednet, Medres, New England Journal, Outpatient Signout, Reverse Proxy - Secure Web, Verinform.

Paging: resources needed to contact other medical providers

Text paging, UCLA phone number list, UCLA directory

Reference: medical references to aid decision-making and finding other providers

UpToDate, Micromedex, Lab/Formulary, AMA DoctorFinder, CA med license lookup, NPI lookup, UCLA insurance codes, Adjuvant Online, NCCN guidelines, Dermatology glossary, EKG reference, MDCalc, Medcalc, PO/IV conversion.

Forms: almost all of the forms routinely used

These are organized alphabetically, with subcategories for common form types such as admission orders and consents. Clicking the main tab will take you to Forms Portal.

Search: search engines & Wikipedia

Bing, Google, Yahoo, Wikipedia.

Mail: webmail sites

Mednet, Bruin OnLine, GMail, Hotmail, Yahoo mail.

Links: links to other miscellaneous sites

NYTimes, Craigslist, ESPN, Facebook, Google Docs, Google Maps, Stock quotes, WFAN, Weather, Yelp, Youtube, Zap2It TV listings.

Donate: a link to Paypal where you can donate support

Any support is greatly appreciated--over 150 hours of work have gone into creating, in addition to the monthly webhosting costs. Just a credit card is needed to donate; a Paypal account is not required. The email address is for John Yang, which is correct--he is my brother and the owner of the Paypal account that is being used.

Help: contains information to help you use the site

Help page, list of supported labs, list of sample labs that can be inputted to try out the site, bug reporting/feature requests.